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Pre-order doll

"PashaPasha New York Opens Preorders
"PashaPasha New York Opens Preorders for the New 4th Generation Mini Dolls!"
​Stunning Innocent Doll by Amicus Dolls – Pre-order Soon
The pre-order of Lili will be on September, 7th, at 8 PM (BST).
​Elegant Numina Doll – Pre-order Soon
Alia is a new doll by Numina. There is little information so far, but the pre-order will start on August, 19th
​Seductive Dolls by PashaPasha – Pre-order Started
The pre-order has been started on June, 25th.
​New Pre-order at Meadowdolls – Charming Nala
This is Nala, a doll created by Meadowdolls. The pre-order has been started on April, 28th. It will last till May, 14th.
​New Doll in Siren Collection by Kingdom Doll – Pre-order
The pre-order will start on Sunday, April, 30th. It can be pre-ordered by e-mail.
​New Inamorata – Pre-order of Realistic Dolls Coming
Inamoratadolls has announced about coming pre-order. It will take place on April, 22, and the number of dolls is limited to 30.
​Long-awaited Meadowdolls’ TAMMY DUMPLING – Pre-order Started
The pre-order has been started on March, 3d, and it will last till March, 26th.
​Elegant Doll by Ficondoll – "Misty" - Pictures of New Doll
Pre-order for very beautiful doll soon
​Excited and Joyful – New Two Dolls To Pre-order H.minor Doll
This is a resin BJD doll. Jaki costs $370 and Pipi costs $346. The waiting period is about 2-3 months.
​Charming Doll by Irrealdoll – Pre-order Soon
The pre-order will start on February, 12th.
Kingdom Doll Presented Gorgeous Doll – Sale Starts Soon
The sale will start on Saturday, December, 3rd at 2:00 pm GMT.
​New Pre-Order by Meadowdolls – Realistic Doll
The pre-order has been started on November, 25th. It will last till December, 18th.
Meadowdolls:​Tween Dolls Pre-order Started – Several Options
Addison 24-30 October Aki 31 October- 6 November Avery 7-15 November
​Iconic Cindy by Ficondoll
"Cindy" sales open time: AM 9:00 27th October (Korean time)~
Sweetest Doll by Linda Macario Dolls – Pre-order Started
The pre-order has been started, and it will last till November 24th.
​New Male Doll by Amicus Dolls
The pre-order will start on October, 25th
New Doll Line at Irrealdoll – Pre-order Coming
The pre-order will be open on October, 9th.
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