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New Pre-Order by Meadowdolls – Realistic Doll
A warm smile is shining on a pretty face, and kind eyes looks deeply – right into your soul. Her face is full of joy, kindness, and love. This is a new doll by Meadowdolls.
The doll is very realistic. Her name is Shy LL, where LL is lifelike. She looks good on pictures, and she is 53 cm (20 inches) tall. The pre-order has been started on November, 25th. It will last till December, 18th.
Shy LL has two skin tones: Honey and Tan. The doll will come nude, without clothes and other accessories. The eyes of the doll will be of random color (they are 16 mm).
It seems Shy LL may keep any your secret and will be always there to support you.
Also, the doll with factory faceup may be ordered ($1260). Meadowdolls offer Charlene’s Smith faceup, and it is limited to 20.
The blank doll costs $1200. The delivery time may take for up to 12 months.
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