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​Glamorous Cultural Icon – New Barbie Signature Tribute Doll

Barbie Signature have presented a new doll. This time we may enjoy the beauty of the Mexican actress and a singer. In 1940-1950s she was a successful woman in Latin American cinema. This is Maria Felix.

The Barbie doll is very similar to Maria: long black hair, delicate thin eyebrows (her right eyebrow is raised which is a peculiarity of Maria), hazel eyes, and a mole on her cheekbone.
Her outfit is shining due to the glittering floor-length gown. In fact, gold is the main color in the entire outfit. There is also black fabric on the golden gown. A black cape and satin gloves give it the dramatic vibe.
Massive golden earrings, a turtle brooch, and black high-heeled shoes complete the outfit. Maria looks good in this outfit!
This is a collection doll. The designer is Carlyle Nuera. The body of the doll is articulated. Moreover, the doll will be packed in a presentation box which would be great for displaying the Barbie doll.
The cost of the doll is $40, and the date of the release is August, 16th. 

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