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​New Doll in Siren Collection by Kingdom Doll – Pre-order

The underwater world conceals a lot of mysterious, beautiful and magical universe. In most cases, we do not see what happens there, but we may be lucky and enjoy a gorgeous beauty of a foreigner from the underwater world.

Her long hair and sparkling tail are shining bright in the sunlight. She looks very magnetic, so everyone would like to see her in close: transparent and massive fins have a smoked effect, and a kind of tears on the fin may tell a lot about the life of Siren.
The hair has different shades such as purple, and blue, and also blonde, and so it looks bright and glossy. The color of her tail resonates with her makeup: the lipstick is shining, and its color fits the color of the hair well; the dark eyeshadows make her eyes prominent, and the color of the sea prevails.
Dante, this is the name of this beauty, has Devonshire Cream color of the torso. Her breast is uncovered, and there are gills on the sternum. Her hands have webbed fingers.
This doll is designed by Kingdom Doll, and it is the first in the Siren Doll collection. The body of the doll is scaled to provide a good articulation.
The number of the dolls is limited to 55. The cost of Dante is $995.
The pre-order will start on Sunday, April, 30th. It can be pre-ordered by e-mail.   

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