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The Twilight Saga from my Serge and Zaya
I like to play with my dolls, and experience stories with them. And of course, you may have noticed my passion to the Twilight saga. I couldn’t stand going through these moments with my favourite dolls.
Amanda's beautiful day
I think everyone has had one of those days when there is a good weather outside, everything is fine but you want to stay home, just to stay alone with yourself. You pour yourself a glass of wine and just make yourself comfortable and relax.
Warm autumn, walk together
Nice weather today. Seryozha and Niki decided to go for a walk together. It was very romantic. Do you think so too? Outfits NastyaTZ , shoes @js_for_dolls
Pole-dance from Kuzya
This idea occurred to me when I received these wonderful Tonner doll stands Wizard Of Oz series. Its base imitates the path out of the yellow bricks. And these things always awoke my fantasy.
Realpuki Kuzya on a walk
- Oh, what a wonderful day is today! Lets go for a walking - Kuzia thought. . - OK, so where should I go? . - Oh, what a wonderful garden! I can soak up a morning and summer sun on this stone.  . - Oops, paparazzi again.
Lyushik and Tabris. Fun or training?
You have already met Lushik and Tabris in my stories, but they have not been together yet. See how they interact. Lushik decided that training would be useful for Tabris.I think he was right. Tabris willingly fulfills the commands: Sit! Lie down!
Gift for Serge
You have recently seen how Serge and Nicki celebrated Valentine’s Day, and how Nicki was happy and surprised. At this time, Nicki decided to impress Serge with a gift. What do you think it would be? Yes, this is chess.
Valentine’s Day is a good occasion to remind of your love
There are a lot of doll couples in my doll collection, but I would like to share how Serj has congratulated her beloved Nicki. In the morning, Serge made favorite breakfast. It was aromatic coffee Nicki likes so much, and also a cheesecake.
​Cinderella story
Who would not dream to live a magical story of Cinderella? Of course in most cases, we would want to be in the moment when she meets a beautiful prince. But my Asya decided to experience a hard part when poor Cinderella had difficult times.
Haymaking from realpuki
The summer has gone, but I still have the pics! I would like to show you how my little Pugovka and Lyushik worked in summer. As you may remember, they planted flowers in spring, and they had haymaking in late summer.
Weekend in nature
This weekend were a wonderful sunny days. It was impossible to sit at home already. This quarantine have taken the spring, you can not use the least opportunity to enjoy the summer.
Realpuki - Flower Elves
There are forest elves, there are sea elves, there are twilight ones, and I have floral ones.  My kids Lyushik and Pugovka love flowers very much. Who does not remember how they've planted a flower bed with their own hands?
Prepare for summer with little Realpuki
Realpuki from FairyLand is one of my favorite characters. They look so lively and positive. The little guys like various antics, but they are also ready to work dedicatedly. I just love them!
My Inspirational and Passionate Dolls
My Inspirational and Passionate Dolls I like saucy, or even Gothic style. It shows courage, desire, and passion. So, it is not surprising that my first Ficon doll was Leoni. She dressed up like a biker, her makeup is bright, with dark smokey eyes.
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