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Gift for Serge
You have recently seen how Serge and Nicki celebrated Valentine’s Day, and how Nicki was happy and surprised. At this time, Nicki decided to impress Serge with a gift. What do you think it would be?
Yes, this is chess. Serge has an analytical mind-set, and as many modern people do, he plays chess at the computer. He likes playing chess. Nicki decided that he would enjoy when he would get real chess. Moreover, he could teach Nicki to play them. They will spend a good time together!
Serge has appreciated the gift and Nicki’s attention. He thanked her.
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What a nice gift! Chess will be quite fun for them to play together, and it was thoughtful of Nicki to notice that Serge liked playing chess on the computer and get him a gift she knew he'd love.
They can play chess, and who loses will cook the dinner