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KingdomDoll Monarchs: Katherine Howard - The Stirling Prize


The Stirling Prize

We have just been happy to see the recent release of a new doll from KingdomDoll. And now we have good news again from this company! This time, we will get the doll that will be 1/6 from KD Monarchs. Moreover, we will receive not just a doll, but the whole story!

Katherine was known for her marriage with much older Lord Howard. However, after his death, she proved that she was strong and independent woman by creating a well-known PR company. She managed to develop a progressive Arundel PR within 5 years. And when she was married to the Lord, she met Harri, Vix and Georgie. And in years, these four women became real friends and good support for each other. Moreover, Harri is an important client and the closest friend of Katherine.

As you may know, the Stirling Prize is a high-end award conducted every year by the royal Institute of British Architects. So they invited Katherine to this event because her client was nominated. Today this event has some restrictions, and it can be visited only online. Katherine has carefully prepared to it, and her friends also helped her to look magnificent. Charlotte prepared beautiful makeup products for magnificent look. Georgie knew all details of the fashion and trends. And Vix was a real support and made sense of every ideas of Harri. Magnificent, professional Katherine arrived in all her glory.

Blenheim is known for its limited edition of clothing for the Monarchs. Its fashion consists of a silk taffeta form fitting pencil dress. Its color is amazing: chocolate brown and charcoal. She also has gray toile de jouy printed coat, and her stiletto shoes which are dark gray make her even more slimmer and elegant. She is definitely a confident woman, and she really knows what she wants – these are my thoughts when I’m looking at her.

When will she be available? According to the official website, the release will be on June, 7th at 6 PM UK time. Just 50 pieces of Katherine Howard will be available worldwide. And the cost of the doll is $675.

Pay attention that Blenheim is available in the quantity of just 30 pieces, the price of which is $175. Moreover, the fashion is available to the first 30 people who will buy Katherine Howard doll and ask for the fashion.

How to become an owner of this amazing doll?

The doll will be sold by email. Just send an email And indicate Katherine Howard “The Stirling Prize" in the subject line. And if you are going to buy Katherine and the outfit, please indicate Katherine Howard «The Stirling Prize» and «Blenheim» fashion

All pictures are taken from the official site KD Monarchs

Knopo4ka Knopo4ka 4 years ago #

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