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Teenage Innocent Doll by Tender Creations
First of all, this doll is a teenager. Tender Creations informs that the pre-order for the new doll will be open in about a month.
​New Male AgattiDoll Pre-Order is Open
The pre-order of new dolls by AgattiDoll continues. There are four male dolls available: Alex, Santino, Nick and Amos. The pre-order has been opened on March, 19th, and it will last till April, 15th.
Attention! 10.02 start pre-order Tender Creation
So, there is a magnificent news! The pre-order will be on February, 10th, at 5 PM (Moscow time).
Black Panther from Goncharova dolls
The pre-order is now open. Here are the details:
​Realistic Doll with Alicia Mold – Pre-Order is Open
Yulia Nechaeva has presented her new doll. The height of the doll is 30 cm, and the mold is little Alicia.
Pre-order Alia Luna by Elena Kokorina
​Opened pre-order of new dolls by Elena Kokorina
PRE-ORDER: Anna, Helga, Rebekka from Natalia Loseva
Open pre-order a blank doll by Natalia Loseva dolls
Adorable Amanda Doll
Pre-order Amanda tan skin basic by Linda Macario Dolls
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