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Zhu – Pre-order will Be Open Soon
Nuznova Dolls have announced about the pre-order of the new dolls. Zhu will be open for the pre-order on January, 1st! The number of the dolls is limited. Just 19 dolls will be available.
Zhu will have completely new body parts, and she will not have horns.
The height of the doll is 17,5 cm (6,7 inches). The body has 12 hinge joints. As the doll is handmade, only high quality materials are used. The doll’s faceplate is attached to 3 magnets. The doll looks amazing!
There is also an option for the face: sleepy and classic face.
And the lips may be also different. The body may also have wider shoulders and Zhu may be a boy. There is a possibility to select the preferred body during the order. The body of a boy may have the face of Zhu, so you may have your own doll with your preferences.
A new face may be selected – Pinocchio face, it has a sharp nose. The additional faces may be also selected such as wig, body painting, or makeup, etc.
The cost of the doll is $370. The expected date of the delivery is March 2022.
Pre-order to Instagram https://instagram.com/nuznova_dolls?utm_medium=copy_link
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