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Zaya mannequin from Natalia Loseva
A pre-order of the mannequin to make the body shape of Zaya-Yuy doll from the author is open. More details will be available later. If you want to buy a mannequin, please email me: yulia3075@gmail.com. An advance payment is not required.
This mannequin is just working out. I think it would have such shape. You can sew clothes without using a doll
I am just waiting for emails from people who really want it to calculate the run.
Integrity & Fashion Royalty Dolls → FR: Nippon Nightshade Misaki - Preview of New Doll by Integrity Toys
Integrity Toys know how to tease their fans.
There is a special guest at the Summer Bloom Festival.
She may fascinate you with her beautiful face: she is looking right into your he
Integrity Toys have shown their new stunning collection: Meteor.
Amazing news has come in the world of the doll industry: much-loved Integrity To
just what's in the photo.
2013 Color Infusion Style Lab: Edge of Night perfect condition RARE
Outfit only Great condition Line: Dynamite Girls 2014 Love Revolution Coll
I have an original mooqla doll for sale in perfect condition for sale in its box
Oh yes would absolutely love and need this. Would also love a head mold to do wigs… Oh this is exciting news
thank you
Thank you!
I also hope that he will have a head