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Search by the «tyler wentworth» tag

Twin-dolls - Tyler 2.0
Do you have twin-dolls? Have you ever bought the same doll for your collection as you like this doll so much? It happened to me, when I saw Tyler 2.0, an ultra basic blond girl from Tonner.
Tonner La Flambee Tyler
I have already written that there are pair dolls of Robert Tonner who complement one another or make a collection.
Beautiful fairies: Titania Sydney and Midsummer's Night Dream
I like when two incredibly beautiful dolls are in harmony with their image and style. Each of the dolls is amazing, and they perfectly complement each other in the composition.
My dream of Auld Lange Syne Sydney Chase
I have a great Tonner collection with gorgeous and rare dolls. All of them are a joy to see, and each magnificent detail in their style gives me only positive emotions.
​Ready-to-Wear Luxury (Raven)
Ready-to-Wear Luxury (Raven) - 2003  Tyler Wentworth BA Body LE 250 Exclusive; Cherished Friends Laureldale Pennsylvania basic doll in Outfit Bohemian Beauty
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