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Cami La Belle De Chenonceau - Pearl Paris Fashion Doll Festival 2011
   It has been 10 years, since collectors could behold this magnificent doll at Paris Fashion Doll Festival 2011, and got just 100 samples of this rare sweetie.
Miao Modsdoll
News about the release of a new doll from Modsdoll prompted me to remember about one of my favorite dolls from Yian – Miao.
​"Something Blue and Old" Forever Bella #TonnerBride
Twilight is my favourite movie without any doubt. I may call this movie classic now, as it takes a special place in cinematography.
​Angels are walking among us - Cherub by Inamorata
Angels are walking among us I would like to show you a photo-story, or a photo-review of one of the most amazing, and unusual celestials – Cherub. I got Cherub in 2013, and she was one out of twenty.
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