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​Spooky Mistress – Elvira by Mattel Creations

Elvira is a woman in dark ready to charm you with a spell or her natural look. Her outfit may seem spooky at the first glance, but all details and fabrics of the outfit will magnetize any person.

Elvira is a mistress of the dark, and Mattel Creations welcomes her to the Monster High Skullector collection. She has gorgeous black floor-length dress which is shimmering and has spider webs and skull pattern. In fact, the spider webs are seen in her beautiful and big eyes. Her black shoes are also decorated with spider webs, and there is a bright accent on the shoe heel – red spot that looks like a spider.
Her makeup is rather bright compared to her total black look. Elvira also wears a massive ring belonging to her aunt, and a dagger on the belt. Her unusual earrings are created in the shape of the snakes.
As you may know, Elvira is a character, and Cassandra Peterson is an actress who had that role. Cassandra worked closely with the designers of the Barbie. The actress says that everyone should be themselves not matter what.
The package of the Barbie is a composition of entire room. It has a couch and the phone in the form of the bone. And there is a dog, Gonk. It looks great!
The doll will be for sale on January, 13th. It will cost $65.
In general, Elvira looks fascinating!   

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