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Search by the «love story» tag

Happy Valentine’s Day!  Tonner love store
Happy Valentine’s Day! May all of you have sincere affection, light and tender love! Let love always be in your life! I have a question for you, to the point. Do your dolls create couples between each other?
Warm autumn, walk together
Nice weather today. Seryozha and Niki decided to go for a walk together. It was very romantic. Do you think so too? Outfits NastyaTZ , shoes @js_for_dolls
Valentine’s Day is a good occasion to remind of your love
There are a lot of doll couples in my doll collection, but I would like to share how Serj has congratulated her beloved Nicki. In the morning, Serge made favorite breakfast. It was aromatic coffee Nicki likes so much, and also a cheesecake.
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