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Search by the «fairy» tag

Lyushik and Tabris. Fun or training?
You have already met Lushik and Tabris in my stories, but they have not been together yet. See how they interact. Lushik decided that training would be useful for Tabris.I think he was right. Tabris willingly fulfills the commands: Sit! Lie down!
Realpuki - Flower Elves
There are forest elves, there are sea elves, there are twilight ones, and I have floral ones.  My kids Lyushik and Pugovka love flowers very much. Who does not remember how they've planted a flower bed with their own hands?
Beautiful fairies: Titania Sydney and Midsummer's Night Dream
I like when two incredibly beautiful dolls are in harmony with their image and style. Each of the dolls is amazing, and they perfectly complement each other in the composition.
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