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Pole-dance from Kuzya
This idea occurred to me when I received these wonderful Tonner doll stands Wizard Of Oz series. Its base imitates the path out of the yellow bricks. And these things always awoke my fantasy.
Marius Lancaster™ as Professor Young
The name of this charming man is Marius Lancaster. He was a part of the Agent 355 – Mission Lovejoy collection in 2016 at the IFDC Integrity Toys convention dolls.
Billie Eilish Figure - Bad Guy
   Billie Eilish Pirate Baird O'Connell is an American singer and a song-writer who was born in 2001. She became famous in 2016, due to Ocean Eyes song. And in 2019, her album When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?
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